The racially charged debate over Barack Obama's relationship with his longtime pastor hasn't much changed his close contest against Hillary Clinton, or hurt him against Republican nominee-in-waiting John McCain, according to a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Obama Campaign Depicts Clinton as Serial Exaggerator
"What makes Clinton’s situation unique—and the Bosnia embellishments so damaging—is the fact that the New York senator has built her candidacy on the illusion of experience. Any attack on her credentials is a potential Achilles heel."
Chris Wallace backpedals on Fox News criticism
It was probably the most-watched segment Fox News has aired in months. Last Friday, “Fox and Friends” host Steve Doocy, Brian Kilmeade, and Gretchen Carlson spent the better part of the morning demonizing Barack Obama over the “typical white person” flap, mainly by removing the quote from context.
Hillary Clinton: The Real Bosnia Footage
"...and yes, even show a little marksmanship on a terrorist hiding under a tank."
New Poll: Obama Beats McCain in General Election
In hypothetical matchups for November's election Sen. Obama still edges Sen. McCain 44% to 42%. But Sen. Clinton trails McCain by two points, 44% to his 46%.
The Likelihood of Democratic Deserters
Hillary Clinton supporters (28%) are more likely than Barack Obama supporters (19%) to say they would vote for John McCain for president if their candidate does not win the Democratic nomination.
When asked about Lewinsky, Chelsea answers like an asshole.
Chelsea Clinton had a quick answer to a question about the Monica Lewinsky scandal: "None of your business." Clinton was campaigning for her mother, Hillary Clinton, at Butler University in Indiana.
Hillary Clintons Difficult Relationship with the Truth
Even liberal journalist Carl Bernstein admits Hillary has a "difficult relationship with the truth."
McCain flounders, reads teleprompter on big economic speech
Just more evidence that this man is nothing more than a tool and is utterly incompetent and incapable of leading our nation.
Vacation!: All Obama Ever Needed, At Least For The Moment
For the most part, coverage has been spotty. The AP has covered news of the vacation, and CNN told the Politico that they have "a producer in the area to cover any news that may arise." Fox gets the credit for breaking the story on his vacation destination, but the real newsmaker is young Sammy DiStefano, a six year old girl who posed with Obama in
Conservative: Obama is the best candidate for conservatism
Obama, not McCain, offers a "sliver of hope" for a revival in true -- i.e. not Bush's brand of -- conservatism, according to Andrew Bacevich in The American Conservative.
Obama has a better chance of uniting the party
Among Obama voters, Clinton has a net-negative personal rating (35-43) while Clinton voters have a net-positive view of Obama (50-29). Taken together, this appears to be evidence that Obama, intially, should have the easier time uniting the party than Clinton.
TRUTH Obama against dollar,for NAFTA,globalism,no middle cla
Former Fed Reserve chairman Paul A. Volker, a declared supporter of Obama's candidacy since before Super Tuesday, told Business Week last week the logical complement of free trade is a global currency – statement that appeared to abandon the dollar, which has lost 8% of its value this quarter and 50% of its value since Bush took office in 2001
Hillary Likens McCain Mortgage Plan to Herbert Hoover’s
Hillary Clinton said the plan “sounds remarkably like Herbert Hoover, and I don’t think that’s a good economic policy” — adding that it would cause “a downward spiral that would cause tremendous economic pain and loss in our country.”
Tell Hillary Clinton To Drop Out of the Presidential Race
Send a message to the Democratic party and the Clintons: "If Obama wins the nomination I will vote for him, but if Hillary wins the nomination I'm voting for McCain." If you feel the same and want to make your voice heard, join campaign to persuade Hillary Clinton to withdraw her candidacy now!
Michelle crystallizes my view point about Obama campaign
Her statement doesn't offend me but - just when I was thinking about dipping my toe in the Obama Ocean - her words do encapsulate almost all of what it is that makes it impossible for me to take the Obama baptismal dip.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Hillary Clinton, NAFTA Supporter
Hillary actively worked to get NAFTA passed while she was First Lady in the White House.
Obama and Race From an Evangelical Point of View
Why Black Liberation Theology, or should I say Jeremiah Wright's brand of it, is wrong.
Hillary Jumps on the Anti-Wright Bandwagon
Hillary judges Obama saying we don't have a "choice" when it comes to our relatives, but we do when it comes to our pastors. Kind of like we have a choice to stay with cheating husbands or leave them?
Show us you can be honest Hillary......
Obama releases tax returns, says Clinton should too. "Releasing tax returns is a matter of routine. We believe the Clinton campaign should meet that routine standard and meet that routine standard now," Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs told reporters. She promised us this back in Feb. What's the hold up???
A Sniper Named NAFTA
Al Giordano, The Field, doesn't mince words when talking about the upcoming contests in PA, NC and IN. "Lives were ruined ... because of the devil’s bargain that the Clinton White House made with big business to help them at the expense of their workers while ruining the natural environment ...That’s what a sniper named NAFTA did."
Hillary Clinton In Action
A former legal counsel to the Watergate Impeachment committee reminisces about Clinton's willful subterfuge and malfeasance during her work for the committee.
Donna Brazile answers Hillary
Why is Senator Clinton trying to extend the Rev Wright flap, well it wouldn't be for the good of the Democratic party or the nation.
The Clintons' tax shelter in the Caymans...
The notion of releasing her income tax returns puts Hillary in a panic, something that the Obama campaign knows. In fact, I bet the Obama campaign has a pretty good idea of what is it that Hillary is hiding... Here Phawker gives us a glimpse of the Clintons' funny money. (The animated gif of US presidents on bills alone is worth a digg.)
Vote Fraud Evidence Piling Up Showing Hillary's True Colors
Here's an interesting look at the Diebold optical-scan voting system, when casting Primary votes in a close race,a stunning upset occurred between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.
I snail-mailed random people Barack Obama's speech(!)
My wife was super-impressed with Barack Obama's recent speech on race("A More Perfect Union"), and said I should read it. I did, and so wasvery impressed as well. This is an account of what I decided to do withthat excitement: I printed out a bunch of copies of the speech and sentit to random people in Pennsylvania...
Wright “retired” a few months ago. Very convenient. Or did someone realize that his words were so damaging that they would bring down Obama so he was “removed” for the good of the campaign?
Chelsea Clinton asked about Monica Lewinsky
It was a completely inappropriate question. If you want to ask her about Monica, ask her how it effected her personally, NOT how it effects her mother's credibility.
John Kerry and John McCain get DRUNK
A new bud light ad spoofing a recent mccain slouching picture.Bud Light stresses how we're all the same, regardless of what side of the bipartisan line we're on.Go ahead - "Go to war. Run for president. Get Tanked."Funny!
A Statement on Wright from the Clinton's Presidential Pastor
"Those of us who are white Americans would do well to listen carefully to Dr. Wright rather than to use a few of his quotes to polarize. This is a critical time in America's history as we seek to repent of our racism. No matter which candidates prevail, let us use this time to listen again to one another and not to distort one another's truth."
The Importance of Ron Paul's campaign
He won't get the Republican nomination but that does not mean that Ron Paul's campaign is a failure. Thanks to Dr. Paul, more and more Americans have been awakened to the threat of Federalism and have come to understand the meaning of true Conservatism and the importance of the Constitution.
Don't Blame Me, I'm a Typical White Person
Thanks to Barack Obama, we typical white people now know the reason for our fear of people who are different. He told us It's been bred into us which means its part of our genetic makeup.
Ron Paul accused of having sex with his wife
An Internet email slander campaign is making the rounds - Ron Paul had sex with his wife! No group is taking responsibility for the vile comment...
Taxes: Obamas prospered as he soared
Barack Obama and his wife Michelle pulled in $3.9 million between 1999 and the end of 2006, according to tax returns posted Tuesday on his presidential campaign’s website.
Once in a Lifetime? Barack Obama & the Destiny of the US
Is Obama a 'once-in-a-lifetime leader'? It's hard to say until you shine the light of astrology on the subject. See what the planets have to say about Obama and the US. Is it kismet or train wreck?
Clinton's Sniper Claim a Turning Point for the Media
Al Giordano, The Field writes: "Kennedy is one of the most astute and fair-minded media critics in the business. He writes in his Guardian of London column today that HRC's fantastic but false tale of arriving in Bosnia under “sniper fire” has already caused a perceptible shift among media organizations that, had been giving Clinton a free ride
Roscoe Pendergrass On People Magazine and John McCain
Cable Access TV-33 Star, Roscoe Pendergrass discusses his thoughts on recent people magazine covers and John McCain
McCain: Osama bin Laden and I agree on Iraq
"As you probably know, an audiotape ... was released where bin Laden said, and I have to quote bin Laden: 'The nearest field of jihad today to support our people in Palestine ... is the Iraqi field.' He urged Palestinians and people of Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Saudi Arabia to 'help in support of their mujahideen brothers in Iraq which is the
In Response To Hitch On Obama
All I can say is that I doubt Hitch will be particularly thrilled when the Clintons move in for the carcass of what was and remains the audacity of hope.
Hugo Chavez: “Don’t Elect McCain!”
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, a socialist and fierce U.S. critic, warned on Tuesday that relations with Washington could worsen if Republican candidate John McCain wins this year’s presidential election.Chavez said he hopes the United States and Venezuela can work better together when his ideological foe, U.S. President George W. Bush. . .
White Atheist Defends Obama's Pastor
It may surprise you to hear that this white, middle-class atheist agrees with much of what Rev. Jeremiah Wright said and what is now being used against Obama. It strikes me that the real story is less about race and more about our refusal to allow a presidential candidate to criticize America.
Hillary Clinton to Pull a 'Tonya Harding'?
Unnamed DNC source says Hillary will have to break Obama's back to win the nomination.
McCain loses to douche bags
A recent coup is making the McCain campaign nervous, he's losing ground in the highly valued Hot Chick/Douche Bag demographic. In a bold move to lock down this new grassroots base...
A Democratic Presidential Candidate Everybody Can Agree On
When it comes down to Obama or Clinton, there's only one clear choice.
The gap b/w supports to Obama & Clinton: Statistical Error
Over the past 6 weeks, despite all the turmoil of the Democratic race, polls show a statistical dead heat.
Activism : Help Clinton Produce her TAX RETURNS
Easy step by step instructions, to help you help Senator Clinton understand how EASY it is.
Hillary Clinton Lies: 'If a place was too dangerous..."
All of that is true, but I suppose what annoys me more about it is "if a place was...too dangerous, the president couldn’t go, so send the First Lady..."
Obama's Senate Record More Modest Than His Campaign Vows
WASHINGTON -- Barack Obama says that if he were president, he'd take politically courageous stands while forging the consensus needed to enact universal health care, immigration revisions, global warming legislation and a withdrawal from Iraq.
Obama and American shock
White people who know educated, articulate black people, for whom the idea of such a creature is not bizarre or incredible, are liberals. People who know only poor, ignorant black people, or no black people at all, tend to be conservative.
Clinton’s 5-Point Plan to Help Homeowners
Who's up to see Jolie's relative fix our mortgage problems???
Obama May Lose The Vote, America Has Lost Much More
Read the truth about the sermon that is shaking the Obama campaign, and see the light which need be shone on this nations withering image. Obama could very well be the ticket out of the world public image of our country's arrogance, recklessness, careless use of war, and disregard for its people and their lives.
McCaffity for Constable
McCaffity is endorsed by Ron Paul. He lost his election by less than 800 votes, about 2%, but there is evidence of election fraud. He needs to raise a one time only fee of $5000 to contest the election.
Obama’s Talk Fuels Easter Sermons
Inspired by Senator Barack Obama’s speech, some religious leaders plan to interweave race and resurrection.
The Liar, The Racist, and the Warmonger
Hillary lies about Bosnia, Obama is Racist,and a vote for McCain, is a vote for Bush. Who do we vote for? It doesn't matter who is elected as much as how active we are. We have to keep the fire of our passions lit in order to move earth.
Researchers Discover Obama related to Pitt, Clinton to Jolie
Researchers at the New England Historic Genealogical Society found some remarkable family connections for the three presidential candidates. Barack Obama is a distant cousin of actor Brad Pitt, and Hillary Rodham Clinton is related to Pitt's girlfriend, Angelina Jolie.
Obama All Talk, No Action!
My problem with Obama is that his ostentatious plans for inaction may be more than just a clever political strategy. If you look at his record, Obama seems to lack much fondness for action. His record is littered with evidence that he's a congenital ditherer who doesn't bother to offer actions that support his words.
What Clinton Won't Acknowledge: The Rules
Whether she's splitting pledged delegates into two groups (those which matter and those which don't) or applying the same twisted logic to states, or worse, Senator Clinton has proven her willingness to do anything to frame the Democratic primary in such a way as to make it look as if she can still win. She's just forgetting one thing: the rules.
Watch Obama Girl's New Video: It's Become a Civic Duty
She's baackkk...!! Sexy Obama Girl returns to fire up America's political junkies and voyeurs with a new video, again proclaiming herself Obama's most devoted fan (and garbed in the least clothing). Here, she begs Hillary to stop the harmful tactics aimed at Obama (and oh, they are so totally all Clinton). Photographs and the music video included.
Clinton related to Pitt, Obama to Jolie
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt could be split on which Democrat to vote for in the US Presidential race - with researchers finding they are each distant relatives of a candidate.
Sundowner Towns
Ron Shock's reflective look back at what the deep south was once like for the black American in the 20th century and how the Rev. Wright's anger while understood, is un-Christian behavior and is having a negative impact on the Obama campaign.
Chuck Baldwin: Comparison Ron Paul v. John McCain policies
Chuck Baldwin in this week’s column gives a good overview of the differences between a John McCain presidency vs. a Ron Paul presidency. With sarcastic wit he makes the case that the citizens of the U.S. (and all illegal aliens living here) need not be concerned (as if they were), we continue our slide into obscurity. Long Live the traitorous...
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Reverse thinking on Obama / Clinton
Let's for a minute reverse the names and the facts on the ground: Candidate Obama has won only a fraction of the number of states Candidate Clinton has won, is behind in both delegate and popular vote counts, and his campaign...
Conflicting Takes, Here and Abroad, on Clinton’s Role
“She was the first lady of the United States, not a party leader in Northern Ireland,” Mr. Ahern, who has been in office since June 1997, told The Scranton Times-Tribune. “No one would expect her to get into the nitty-gritty of the process."
3 A.M. Ad Strikes Back, This Time on Obama’s Side
McCain #0015 - McCain Reaffirms Mideast Isolationist Policy
John McCain says there is a need to impose sanctions on Iran until it stops developing nuclear weapons. "The [West] should work together to eliminate the threat of Iranian nuclear weapons." McCain added that France had agreed on the need for tougher sanctions agst Iran's nuclear program which the West claims is aimed at developing nuclear arms.
The Caucus: ‘Iron My Shirt’
At a Hillary Rodham Clinton event, a man stood up and shouted for Mrs. Clinton to iron his shirt.
Post ‘Post-Racial Candidate’
Things get out-of-his-tree flown-the-coop nuts on the [Obama] campaign trail.
Reverend Wright Obamas Pastor Church sermon Natalee Holloway
Reverend Wrights comments on Natalee Holloway death and Barack Obama's inaction.Obama's pastor disses Natalee Hollow'White girl goes off and gives it up' in Aruba, preacher pal says. Comments published in Church TRUMPET Magazine and reporters claim similar comments about Natalee were heard by Obama in Wright sermon.
The Audacity of Obama's Hypocracy - Part 2
Jeff has further thoughts on the racially divisive remarks of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright and the response from his good friend and confidant Barrack Obama.
Obama vs. Clinton: Leadership Styles
An assessment of the leadership styles of Obama and Clinton: His is "transformational", hers "managerial". His may entail some risks, but hers has proved ineffective.
Ad mocks 'Hero of France' John McCain
GOP candidate dons mustache in ad highlighting Airbus contract.
Moving video of young guy with Down Syndrome endorsing Obama
A moving, and rather funny at times, new video of a young guy with Down Syndrome endorsing Obama. The best part is the last 20 seconds.
Hillary voters won't back Barack? I can live with that...
If Hillary's fan club won't vote for Barack in the general election, life will go on... And it will be better than if she'd won the nomination, for that matter.
The race card is the wild card
Why isn't the anti-Catholic, misogynistic, gay-bashing preacher John Hagee hurting John McCain, who sought Hagee's support, got it, and appeared on stage with him? Answer: Hagee is white. When whites see a white nut, we dismiss him as fringe. But a black nut? Hold on, pal.
Barack pushing Hilary to release NCAA brackets!
Obama is wondering who Hilary picked for her favorite NCAA teams, dont you?
The Path To Racial Salvation
Obama the saviour of the racial divide. May God keep and leave no stone unturned in finding the truth about our country's foibles.
Clinton Assertion in COnferance Call Proved Wrong
Today on a conference call, a top Hillary adviser attacked the Obama campaign, pointing to the fact that it was alleged on MSNBC this morning that the Obama camp was pushing the tale.... Well, MSNBC never reported Obama was pushing the story. Get the facts straight Clinton Campaign. Making stuff up now?
No More New Math - Just the Real Delegate Math to win 2008GE
Eriposte succintly puts it all out in a way that makes it perfectly clear why Clinton is not quitting and should not quit.......because Clinton wants a Democrat to win the White House in the 2008 General Election. It's probably what's been sending off weird "whaaaat?" messages in your brain when listening to MSM and reading "probressive" bloggers.
Son sells his soul
How sad.....son Frank repudiates his father's legacy and becomes shill for the Marxist Obama.
Obama #0003 - "Obama seems to be trying to commit suicide."
Clinton has remained deliberately on the sidelines as the tempest over Reverend Wright wreaked havoc on his campaign. "If your opponent is trying to commit [political] suicide, it's wise to just stand back," says Michael Munger. "Obama seems to be trying to commit suicide. So there is no reason for Hillary to rise up and start shooting at him."
Chris Wallace of Fox, Defends Obama. On FOX!!!
Wallace holds the crew of Fox and Friends to task for bashing Obama!
Barack, The History of Racism & The Democrats
The sad reality about the entire discussion of racism in this day and age, almost 150 years since the Emancipation Proclamation was signed, is that it would not be occurring had one group of people not devoted their lives to keeping racism alive.
Tell Hillary to conceed the race with dignity.
Hillary can't win. Every day that she continues this race, she's splitting the democratic party in two and leeching resources away from the fight against McCain. Tell her that enough is enough! It's over: quit gracefully and unify the democratic party for the fight in the general election. Be heard! Link is the Clinton's campaign contact info.
Ron Paul on CNBC’s Kudlow & Company
Ron Paul on CNBC’s Kudlow & Company discusses why we should abolish the federal reserve.
A Nightmare For Democrats: Misogyny Or Race?
…the Democratic “nightmare scenario” has gotten even more nightmarish. If Clinton wins on the strength of the super-delegates despite trailing in pledged delegates and the popular vote, then party insiders will have blocked the historic first nomination of a black candidate...
Chris Wallace bashes Fox for "Obama-bashing"
Chris Wallace calls into Fox and Friends to chide the three morning anchors for "two hours of Obama-bashing."
Will Joe Lieberman be John McCain's Vice President?
In case you've been so caught up in the battle royale of the Democratic primaries, Joe Lieberman has been escorting John McCain around Iraq and Israel, acting as his assisted living caretaker
Campaign Watch: Hillary's 'Four Pinocchios' Adventure
Perhaps Hillary Clinton should stop crowing about that "35 years of experience" thing which is becoming thinner and more illusionary by the day. You can't say she didn't ask for it especially when you start a major speech with what the Washington Post is calling a "whopper" -- on the 5th Anniversary of the start of the Iraq war, no less.
John Sidney McCain and Perestrokia Sunset
Alan Stang - We all know that the North Vietnamese Communists became quite proficient at shooting down our planes. How? In order to get medical treatment for his injuries when he was shot down, John Sidney McCrud told them what to do.
Hagee and McCain
FauxNews is at the center of promoting the controversy about Rev. Wright and his relation to Barack Obama, but Wright got his crackpot theories from FauxNews. Meanwhile, the NYTimes focuses on John Hagee and John McCain, and serves up softballs, which Hagee still embarrasses himself with.
Fox News Lied! The True Rev Wright Speech (Barack's Pastor)
Fox News cut and past this message to discredit Rev Wright. Watch the unedited video and see what the Rev says about the US and Its Soldiers.
Hillary insults voters
A very strange, repeated trope of the Clinton 2008 campaign has been to attack not Obama but groups of people perceived as likely to vote for Obama. Sometimes this takes the form of dismissing whole states, other times Clinton’s agents are making more subtle pitches.
BREAKING: Obama On Board That Funded Pro-Palestinian Groups
Besides serving with Obama on the board of the Woods Fund, Ayers contributed $200 to Obama’s senatorial campaign fund and has served on panels with Obama at several public speaking engagements.
Ron Paul will be on Coast to Coast AM Radio Show this Monday
First Hour: Congressman Ron Paul will talk about limited constitutional gov't, low taxes, free markets, and a return to sound monetary policies, as well as discuss his 2008 presidential bid. Dr. Paul will also take questions.
WSJ: Obama Has Financial Edge
Barack Obama had three times as much money in the bank at the end of February as Hillary Clinton, putting the Illinois senator on a stronger financial footing heading into the last round of primaries and caucuses for the Democratic presidential nomination.
When Obama/Clinton/McCain wins, off to the Inaugural ball?
These are the prices for tickets to the 2005 inaugural balls when George W won his second term. You would think demand for these inaugural balls will be greatly affected by who wins this years election.
Obama Has Clear Money Advantage
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton lived hand to mouth during the rush of presidential primaries while Democratic rival Sen. Barack Obama outspent her and put money in the bank.[R]eports show Obama raised at a clip of nearly $2 million a day in February, an open spigot of money that left him with $30 million in the bank...
Fascism 7: Killing Hope for America
It could happen again. Can we face the facts, Ron Paul'rs? Liberty lovers? Peace people? We'll never get anywhere unless we FACE IT.
Obama Offers Hope And Healing To The TWerPs Of America
Barack Obama commences his Throw Your White Grandmother Under The Bus Tour during which he will heal the racial wounds of America by promising Typical White Persons (TWerPs) the opportunity for shame, remorse and self-abasement all day, every day when he condescends, as we all hope he will, to allow them to elect him President
Why Insult McCarthy by Comparing to Clinton?
McCarthy was absolutely correct when he said that Communists had infiltrated our government. He might have seen more people as Communists than actually were but he was correct. There were Communists in Hollywood and there were Communists working for our government. They used the same tactics that Muslims use, deny, counter, and accuse in order...
All Three Candidate Files Where Breached. STOP LIEING!
McCormack said the individual who accessed Obama's file also reviewed McCain's. That employee has been reprimanded, but not fired, and no longer has access to such files, he said. The person who looked at Clinton's file is believed to be a recently hired State Department employee, not a contractor.
Talk Show Host Reveals Obama Connection to Terrorists
A top official at the Pentagon during former-President George H. W. Bush's Administration and a former CIA intelligence officer maintain that Barack Obama and former Weather Underground honcho William Ayers funneled money to Professor Rashid Khalidi, a known terrorist sympathizer.
Hillary's 3 A.M. Girl Does a Commercial for Barack
The little girl sleeping in Hillary Clinton's now famous '3 A.M.' ad has been an Obama supporter since the beginning of the campaign and now she's fighting back!
Laurie Roth talk show host: Obama's connection to terrorists
I do not think all the data is in yet, but the facts keep digging Barack Obama a deeper and deeper hole. That is, at least from the perspective of those who are willing to look at the facts vs. his feel good speeches. Think with your brain, not your gut. There is more to Obama’s short career in politics and his meteoric rise to power...
Why businessmen are voting for Obama - awesome youtube video
Very good humor and intelligence on why Obama should get the 'business vote.'
Uncle Jeremiah Still Working with Obama and His Campaign
The Rev. Wright is still Obama's big problem. What next with Rezko?
Wash Post Photo/video, obliterates Clinton Bosnia claim
Looks like Hillary's sometimes hard to believe foreign policy claims may be finally catching up with her.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Obama outspending competition
At 1.5+ mil at day, he sets the bar for election 2008. I guess that's what he calls change? The thing is with the race so tight and him losing in the national polls to McCain, this is saying money = votes. And the networks love him for it. I like Obama, will likely vote for him against McCain, but this is hypocrisy at its best. Dems are the repubs.
Obama Typical White Person Interview
"... .. The point I was making was not that my grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn't. But she is a typical white person who, uh, if she sees somebody on the street that she doesn't know there's a reaction....."
Mayhem At Fox News: Anchor Walks Off Set
Fox News' very own anchors are speaking out — and walking off — over what they perceive to be "Obama-bashing" on their network.
Clinton Says Her Passport File Breached in 2007
WASHINGTON (AP) - Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has told Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton that her passport file was breached in 2007.In a statement from her Senate office, Clinton said she had been contacted by Rice. The State Department plans to brief Clinton's staff Friday about the unauthorized breach.
Pat Buchanan: A Brief for Whitey
What is wrong with Barack's prognosis & cure? Only this. It is the same old con, the same old shakedown - First, America has been the best country on earth for black folks. It was here that 600,000 black people, brought from Africa in slave ships, grew into a community of 40 million, were introduced to Christian salvation, and reached the....
Can the Democrats Make a Deal?
A closer look at the rumor of a deal which would make Hillary Clinton the Senate Majority Leader and give Barack Obama the nomination.
Election 08: Barack Obama is black AND white
Can Obama become the next President of the United States? He is certainly more intelligent than the guy who currently has the position. If Obama survives his fight against the Clintons and wins the Democratic nomination, he will, more than likely, face John McCain in the general election. I like his chances against the old man.
Condi says sorry
(CNN) -- Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Friday said she apologized to Sen. Barack Obama for the unauthorized viewing of his passport file by contractors working for the State Department.Two contractors were fired and a third was disciplined after they accessed the Democratic presidential candidates file,
Rice apologizes to Obama over passport files
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice apologized on Friday to Sen. Barack Obama after it was learned State Department contract workers improperly viewed the Democratic presidential candidate's passport files.
obama's mama's mama a racist bigot?
So says Obama, so say we all, that Obama admits being raised as a bigot. Does this excuse Obama for condoning and supporting racism like David Duke? I think NOT.
Chris Rock thinks Michelle Obama can't be first lady
Chris Rock thinks that Barack Obama has an advantage.....a black wife.
Poll: Clinton Retains Over Half of African-American Support
A Rasmussen poll found that Clinton's support among African Americans nationwide is 55 percent. It’s hard to parse what this says about the attitude in the community toward Obama. It may simply mean that slightly over half of African Americans believe Clinton stands a better chance of beating McCain than does Obama.
Schaeffer: This Good Friday Let Us Not Crucify Barack Obama
"Obama is worth fighting for. He is worth losing old friends for. History has thrown America an unlikely lifeline. Do we have the decency, the sense, the last glimmer of sanity needed to open our hearts to change?"
Obama leading... even if you count Michigan and Florida!
Obama is now leading the delegate count, even in the best case scenario for Clinton - that Michigan and Florida invalid primaries votes are counted.
FOUND: Audio of Hillary Clinton's Spiritual Mentor Doug Coe
Doug Coe [Hillary's "spiritual mentor"] is the head of a secretive Washington religious organization, which hosts the yearly National Prayer Breakfast : The Family. It is a right-wing fundamentalist, elitist power cult. The Family is a global influence peddling ring with links to some of the most savage, bloodthirsty regimes of the 20th Century.
How would Barack explain to his press groupies why he sat silent in a pew for 20 years as the Rev. Jeremiah Wright delivered racist rants against white America for our maligning of Fidel and Gadhafi, and inventing AIDS to infect and kill black people?
Obama's Loose Cannon Pastor
Humorous but balanced perspective on the Reverend Jeremiah Wright. (The comments are a joy to read as well)
Barack Obama’s Speech on Race - Transcript
The following is the text as prepared for delivery of Senator Barack Obama’s speech on race in Philadelphia, as provided by his presidential campaign.
Small Donors Take Big Role in Election
A recent flood of Internet donations is filling the coffers of presidential candidates, mostly benefiting Democratic Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, about 80% of whose February donations came via the Internet. With more people making smaller donations, this could dilute the influence special interests and wealthy donors have on the system
Obama Changes Plans After Reaction to "Typical White Person"
Earlier in the week it appeared that Obama had a free pass to make slurs. There was no media outcry when Obama, wearing a green velvet suit at a Saint Patrick’s Day event, inserted an apostrophe in his name and declared “O’bama, not your typical Irish Mick”.
Polls Should Favor Obama from Now On
Polls should favor Obama over Clinton and over McCain, now that he has regained his footing in the wake of FOX's almost criminal attack on his character.
Obama spends $1.5 million a day
Barack Obama's campaign spent at the rate of nearly $1.5 million a day in February as he racked up the victories that pushed him ahead of rival Hillary Rodham Clinton in their chase for Democratic nomination delegates.
Ex-Inspector General sees passport-gate political motivation
Clark Kent Ervin, a CNN security analyst and former State Department Inspector General, told CNN that the facts surrounding the breach of Obama's passport files point to a political motivation.
Barack Obama's Passport Photo
State Department employees were fired for accessing Barack Obama's passport file, but all they wanted was to see Mr. Obama's hilariously awkward passport photo. Nobody ever takes a "good" passport photo.
Obama has opened the door frank discussion on race in the US
There are many points of view and this one is also important.
Barack Obama tries to explain that 'good people' still hold
To a certain degree, Barack Hussein Obama is correct in his statement, “good people still hold racial stereotypes”, good people DO still hold certain racial stereotypes, I’m one of them, and yes, I do have some racism in me, I don’t deny it and I can’t think of anyone I know, of ANY race, that doesn’t hold at least some (more)
Terre Haute for Obama
A brand new site set up for Terre Haute Indiana to get information on Barack Obama.
Obama-Wright Flap Illustrates What's Wrong With Politics
if anything this is America's problem. Only in an environment where we expect individuals to bear responsibility for the actions of others could a political candidate ever have to apologize for the comments of his pastor, or anyone else for that matter (and you wonder why we have so many welfare programs).
Rice Apologizes Over Obama Passport; Too Little Too Late
WASHINGTON - Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice says she has apologized to Barack Obama for an incident in which State Department contractors unnecessarily reviewed his passport file..
Pat Buchanan on Obama's 'National Conversation on Race'
Pat talking about Obama perpetuating the stereotype of black people being somehow downtrodden."Barack says we need to have a conversation about race in America. Fair enough. But this time, it has to be a two-way conversation. White America needs to be heard from, not just lectured to.""We hear the grievances. Where is the gratitude?"
Chris Wallace Slams Fox and Friends Hosts for Obama Bashing
Chris Wallace of 'Fox News Sunday' lectures 'Fox and Friends' show hosts for excessive Obama bashing and taking Obama out of context in this video clip from a 3/21/08 show.
Change: Obama's Evolving Positions On His G-Damning Pastor
Andrew Bolt discovered a couple of controversial statements on the evolving Obama. I added a couple more. Barack Obama is tripping over contradictions in trying to explain why he kept race-bigot Jeremiah Wright as his pastor, mentor and advisor for so many years.
Taxpayers Beware - Earmark Moratorium Triangulation
Although Clinton and Obama say they support the end of Earmarks, Congressman Boehner says otherwise and points out the real leader in spending reform
Obama's Passport Not for Fun; Checked 3 Times in 3 Months!
By Arshad Mohammed WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Contract workers for the U.S. State Department improperly viewed Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama's passport records three times this year in what his campaign called ''an outrageous...
Pat Buchanan on Obama's Racism
How would he pull it off? I wondered. How would Barack explain to his press groupies why he sat silent in a pew for 20 years as the Rev. Jeremiah Wright delivered racist rants against white America for our maligning of Fidel and Gadhafi, and inventing AID
The Door Is That Way
There has been a lot of talk about what Mr. Obama's pastor said. This article has links to what's been said. Rev. Wright has claimed that the CIA intentionally distributes illegal drugs to blacks with the goal of keeping them down and that the AIDS virus was developed by government scientists. One survey says 73% of blacks believe the CIA story.
Call him Barack O'Bama - for he's got the luck of the Irish.The very week he faces his toughest obstacle ever - one that may still derail his candidacy - Obama gets a near-game-ending pot of gold.
Matthews on Obama: 'I Loved the Speech, He Gets To Me'
It wasn't quite a "thrill up up my leg" moment, but Chris Matthews clearly hasn't gotten over his love affair with the candidacy of Barack Obama. On today's Morning Joe, Matthews enthused that he loved Obama's speech and that the senator from Illinois "gets to me." Video at link.
How to speak and influence people like Barack Obama
Obama was not always the great speaker he is today. He learnt and so can you. Here's how...
Obama – It is about Experience and Judgement
So said Barack Obama in response to the TV attacks by Hillary Clinton, implying that he was too inexperienced to deal with a national security matter at three in the morning. If you haven’t seen it, it’s an ad taken straight from the Republican playbook.
Dem Solution: Hillary Clinton for Senate Majority Leader
It's hard to argue with the suggestion that Clinton is one of the most polarizing figures in recent American political history. This would make FDR-style consensus governing a tricky task for her as President, but would be irrelevant as Senate Majority Leader. Her record as a Senator certainly suggests she would excel in the position.
Reagan Library Debate on Street 280 Ron Paul supproters
The Footage CNN & FOX were afraid to show you.
Could The Bush Recession Be The Beginning Of A Depression?
Our governing class hasn't learned the economic lessons of the 1930s and Americans haven't learned the political lessons of survival. With Calvin Coolidge about to finish his second term-- the worst presidency ever-- are Americans really willing to vote for John "Herbert Hoover" McCain?
Obama passport snooping and the unchecked Surveillance State
There are far too many unanswered questions to enable rational conclusions to be drawn regarding the parties responsible for the multiple breaches of Barack Obama's passport file and/or what motivated those breaches. Obsessive Clinton-haters who are instantaneously insinuating that Hillary is to blame are as grossly irresponsible as the
Clinton's Plan for the Iraq War
In a major speech on Mar. 17, Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton laid out her plan for changing course in Iraq and to bring US troops home.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Obama Girl and the 2008 Presidential Campaign
A look at the role viral videos are playing on the 2008 Presidential Campaign
Washington Post Writer Makes Up Brit Hume Quote
Courtland Milloy attributed a quote to Brit Hume that Obama was "blaming whites" in his recent speech regarding his pastor.The retraction:The Courtland Milloy column in the March 19 Metro section incorrectly said that Fox News anchor Brit Hume referred to Barack Obama’s speech on race as “blaming whites.” Hume did not say or imply that.
Obama Speech on How Iraq Burdens American Family; Jabs McCai
Speech given by Obama on 3/20/08, entitled: 'The War in Iraq Has Burdened American Working Families.' Obama slams McCain several times and says "No matter what the costs, no matter what the consequences, John McCain seems determined to carry out a third Bush-term."
Did Obama’s Speech Reach the Voters He Needs?
The Obama campaign clearly made a decision that the benefits of introducing their candidate to Pennsylvania voters with a high-profile speech on race were worth the potential risks.
Obama's Church Reprints Hamas Terror Manifesto
"Sen. Barack Obama's Chicago church reprinted a manifesto by Hamas that defended terrorism as legitimate resistance, refused to recognize the right of Israel to exist and compared the terror group's official charter – which calls for the murder of Jews – to America's Declaration of Independence."
Joseph Farah bitch slaps Ron Paul's COS Tom Lizardo
Last week, WorldNetDaily published the first of what were to be future weekly columns written by Ron Paul. Today, we learn that the deal has been, according to WorldNetDaily, abrogated by Dr. Paul’s congressional staff. Apparently Joseph Farah felt he was personally slighted as well, so he made the rupture public. All-in-all a sad situation.
The more voters learn about Obama, the less they like him.
Polls show Obama's electability numbers are rapidly declining.
Clinton-$1.5 Mill. Earmarks to Church, Controversial Pastor
Pastor Butts said a "statue of former President Theodore Roosevelt should be torn down."
Clinton Facing Narrower Path to Nomination
Mrs. Clinton’s advisers had hoped that the uproar over inflammatory remarks made by Mr. Obama’s longtime pastor that has rocked his campaign for a week might lead voters and superdelegates to question whether they really know enough about Mr. Obama to back him.
Did Obama channel Lincoln...or did his pastor?
"If we shall suppose that American slavery is one of those offenses which, in the providence of God, must needs come, but which, having continued through His appointed time, He now wills to remove, and that He gives to both North and South this terrible war as the woe due to those by whom the offense came..."
McCain #0007 - McCain Admits No 'Progress' in Iraq & Afghan
John McCain met PM Gordon Brown to discuss Iraq...but declined to offer any advice publicly about the pace of British troop withdrawals from Iraq. "I fully appreciate that British public opinion has been frustrated by...our lack of progress'' in Iraq and Afghanistan, McCain told reporters outside Brown's official Downing Street residence.
McCain Uses Racial Slur
"I hate the gooks," McCain said yesterday in response to a question from reporters aboard his campaign bus. "I will hate them as long as I live."
Schedule Reveals That Hillary Was the First Lady, Little Els
It was fun for a while imagining what juicy nuggets might be buried in Hillary Clinton's public schedule as First Lady, released yesterday by the National Archives.
Polls show Barack Obama damaged by link to Reverend Jeremiah
Is America really that fickle? Poll shows Hillary Clinton regaining her lead over Mr Obama for the first time in a month, now leading him 49 per cent to 42, a 13 point shift to the former First Lady in less than a fortnight.
Hillary Clinton's NAFTA Sincerity Problem
The Clinton campaign sent out talking points for supporters today, which included this odd little "myth" versus "fact.""Myth: Contrary to her stated opposition to NAFTA, Hillary Clinton attended NAFTA meetings to work for its passage."OK, first of all, that "Myth" is not a "Myth" -- it's a fact.
Colbert: McCain 'even independent from his own beliefs'
The Colbert Report host noted that McCain condemned Falwell and Robertson as "agents of intolerance" during his 2000 campaign -- more than a year before the 9/11 diatribe -- before saying in the run-up to his current role that he no longer believed that remark."The man is such a maverick, he is even independent from his own true feelings," Colber
Ron Paul: Congress Responsible For Economy's Problems.
"House Democrats recently adopted a budget with massive tax hikes, many of which are directed at those Americans who can least afford them. By allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire in 2010, this budget will raise income taxes not only on those in the highest income brackets, but raises the lowest bracket from 10% to 15% as well.
Judge Allows Questioning in Clinton Suit
A federal judge is forcing the National Archives to undergo questioning by a conservative group seeking the release Hillary Rodham Clinton's telephone logs during her years as first lady.
Is Barack Obama A Marxist Mole?
In his biography of Barack Obama, David Mendell writes about Obama’s life as a “secret smoker” and how he “went to great lengths to conceal the habit.” But what about Obama’s secret political life? It turns out that Obama’s childhood mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, was a communist.
Fox on Obama - Time to Move On
Barack Obama has captured the attention of a much wider audience, with not only the political viewing public and media tuning in to watch his Philadelphia speech on race relations in America.
Barack Obama's Final Four: Pitt, Carolina, Kansas and UCLA
The Democratic presidential candidate and avid basketball player is working on his NCAA tournament bracket and believes North Carolina will win it all because of star player Tyler Hansbrough. "That's a big boy, there," he said. "So I've got to fill it out, I've got to do a little bracketology before I make a final decision."
Clinton's First-Lady Papers Touch on Diplomacy,
The release of Clinton's daily schedules as first lady back up her presidential campaign's claim that she had extensive exposure to foreign-policy matters. But the documents do little to bolster her assertion that she was a central player.
Obama Camp Continues to Block Michigan Revote
The Obama camp is actually threatening lawsuits in order to stop Michigan Democrats from casting their votes.
Bull Connor's Revenge?
Can’t Obama see that fomenting grudges and vendettas cheats the black community out of the rich rewards of being an American? The rewards that Martin Luther King died for?
Stephen Colbert wants you to Celebrate The Democralypse!
When Stephen Colbert ran for president, supporters donated $66,000 to South Carolina classrooms in his honor. Do Senators Clinton and Obama have the keystones to do for the Keystone State what the Colbert Nation did for the Palmetto State?
Will the Gospel According to Jeremiah Wright sink the Obama candidacy? Not very likely.Let’s start with two basic facts:
McCain s Al-Qaeda Scare
So, in conjuring up the name “Al Qaeda” in his trip to Iraq, McCain was doing nothing more than what U.S. officials have been doing for several years. He just screwed up by applying the term to a situation that didn’t make any sense, causing him to have to apologize and retract.
Tomato, Tamato, Obama, Ohbama
These poor people accidentally got a license plate with a double meaning!
McCain tells Obama to 'move on'
Senator John McCain shrugged off an 'attack' by Senator Barack Obama after committing an alleged 'gaffe' about Iraq.
Barack Obama, Nation of Islam and Black Liberation Theology
My question has never been whether or not Barack Obama is a Muslim. My question has been simply whether or not Barack is a sympathizer of people like Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan and James Cone...
Obama has changed his views on the war several times
Brit Hume had a bit on Fox about Obama's views on the war. It seems he has changed his mind several times. There are dates and quotes in the article, including a quote from his own book that contradicts his stance that he has always been against the war. Why is this not widely known? We've got to get this information out there!
Democratic rivals mum on firm’s dirty cash
Clinton received $21,971 and Obama $5,300 from four senior partners of the firm or their spouses. Presumptive Republican nominee John McCain got no money from the firm’s four senior partners. Three of the partners — William Lerach, David Bershad and Steven Schulman — have pleaded guilty to participating in an illegal kickback scheme. . .
Huckabee Praises Obama on Speech on Race
Huckabee says some supportive things of Obama after his speech on Tuesday.
Religious Groups, Universities Respond To Obama's Speech
On the Internet and in many areas of the traditional news media, such a discussion was already taking shape. Some four million people watched Mr. Obama’s speech live, and it is now the top YouTube video.
McCain, Obama Clash Over Iran s Al Qaeda Role
"Khallad and other detainees have described the willingness of Iranian officials to facilitate the travel of Al Qaeda members through Iran, on their way to and from Afghanistan. For example, Iranian border inspectors would be told not to place telltale stamps in the passports of these travelers. Such arrangements were particularly beneficial. ."
Group seeks Clinton phone logs
Hillary Rodham Clinton's early job as health care policymaker gave way during the remainder of her years as first lady to a more traditional, restricted role, according to thousands of pages of calendars outlining her activities in the White House.
The Ryskind Scetchbook Obama political cartoon
Obama quick to condemn the hate speech of all but those in the black community
Obama Eager to Jump on Global Warming Scam Wagon
By Jeff Mason WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrat Barack Obama would take an active role in U.S. oil markets as president, tackling concerns about the dominance of large oil companies and eyeing the Strategic Petroleum Reserve as a potential weapon to...
Rev. Wright's Un-American Rants
Reverend Wright's rantings and the disgusted reaction they bring out has little to do with race. It has to do with un-Americanism. That's what is weighing Barack Obama down, though many elitist Democrats and their progressive compatriots are ignoring it.
Living by the Sword
Ron Paul on Spitzer. 'The illegal tools of the state brought Spitzer down, but think of all the harm done by Spitzer in using the same tools against so many other innocent people. He practiced what could be termed “economic McCarthyism,” using illegitimate government power to build his political career on the ruined lives of others.'
Separation of Clergy and Candidate!
I never thought I'd say "Preachers are destroying our political system!" But it's true. What is going on with preachers and politics lately? Barack Obama's pastor seems to be a total whack job. And John McCain, who isn't a church-goer that I know of, has been endorsed by at least two major televangelists! {Funny article, yet true.}
Can We Handle It?
Barack Obama’s speech today set the bar high. Maybe too high for America. He offered the most cogent, clear and honest discussion of race I’ve ever heard by a mainstream figure in public life. He addressed race and faith in all its complexity.
Prominent Black Minister Refutes Racist Statements of Rev. J
Bishop E.W. Jackson Sr. launches a campaign to counter the racism and bad theology of Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Barack Obama's pastor.
Clinton takes lead over Obama in Gallup poll
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has moved into a significant lead over Barack Obama for the first time in weeks in the race for the party nomination, according to a Gallup poll.
Barack Obama - The uncommon candidate (EDITORIAL)
It's not exactly like answering the phone at 3 a.m. to handle a national security crisis, but Sen. Barack Obama's handling of two incendiary political controversies in the last week has shown he is calm and confident under pressure.On Friday, Obama sat down with the Tribune and Sun-Times and said, in effect, "ask me anything you want about...
Is Obama Wright? - Pastor Jeremiah Wright & Senator Barack
Senator Barack Obama and his pastor, the reverend Jeremiah Wright of the Trinity Unity Church of Christ in Chicago
Why Pennsylvania Should NOT Vote for Hillary Clinton
It is recognized that Hillary Clinton probably will win the Pennsylvania primary by a fairly good margin. The demographics are definitely in her favor. But the people of Pennsylvania would be making a major mistake by voting for Hillary Clinton. Here's why.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 29
This guy still says there is a 50/50 chance of a brokered convention. Holy crap! This may be the biggest delusion of them all.
BREAKING: NAFTA-Gate Leak Said Hillary Was Reassuring Canada
The NAFTA-Gate controversy has taken another turn, one that could potentially boomerang back on Hillary Clinton after initially damaging Barack Obama.
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 31
Can't say which is the funniest part of this thread. That no one seems to care that the original poster just gave random numbers without even trying to give a source, or the ridiculous bullshit that people are posting regarding their own scores. One 15 year old kid even claims that his IQ is in the 160s, then proves he is lying with dumb posts.
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 32
This guy is mad at Wikipedia for being accurate and updated. McCain's page says that he clinched the nomination.
Does Ron Pauls Campaign Really Think He Can Steal
Just about a month ago, Brad Warbiany pretty much decimated the logic of the idea that Ron Paul’s supporters could infiltrate the GOP delegate selection process and steal the nomination for their candidate.
Ron Paul Is a Hero
Dr. No says Yes to peace and decency--the only person in Congress to do so--by refusing to endorse a bloody colonial occupation, complete with almost total anti-civilian protectionism, for which American taxpayers are unconstitutionally looted. Want to know why the neocons fear him? Just one man willing to tell the truth in the Congress of Lies can
If Hillary Is Elected
--Satire-- Should the American people be foolish enough to elect Hillary Clinton to the presidency in 2008, the following events will surely ensue:
Despite Symbolic Victories, Conflict Reigns in HRC Camp
If you Clinton V. Obama is getting ugly, try Mark Penn V. Everybody in the Clinton Campaign...
Obama's New Attack: Hit Clinton For Her Blue State Strategy
Clinton is trying to spin Obama's 50 state strategy into a liability for him. But a memo today shows Obama might start hitting back. He has a strong case: Do Democrats want a nominee who respects voters and who is committed to building the party across all 50 states? Or one who thinks the only states that are important are the states she wins?
Republican McCain trails Clinton and Obama: poll
Presumptive Republican presidential nominee John McCain trails Democrats Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in hypothetical matchups, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll released on Wednesday.
Even in Victory, Clinton Team Is Battling Itself
Hillary's most recent demonstration of economic "experience":"Ickes and Solis Doyle went to the Clintons for a loan to pay for television ads. The candidate was exasperated. "God, I've raised all this money," she exclaimed, according to one person informed about the conversation. "What have you guys done with it?"
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 26
This first blog is a three parter regarding the attempts that RonPaulians will go to stave off reality. Refusing o believe that Ron Paul's district would vote him for congress, but not for President. Of course, this is very common with minor candidates like Ron Paul. But don't tell RonPaulians this.
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 27
Another multi-thread blog. this one about the disturbing posts by members calling for the death of John McCain. Many of these threads were removed from the site. My guess is the moderator got a little worried at some. One poster actually "joked" that he already had assassination plans and that Ron Paul supporters would be happy in a few weeks.
Barack Obama '08 campaign shirts & more
Barack Obama '08 campaign shirts & more
McCain to get the consent of Taiwan: scholars
Sen. John McCain will eventually obtain the consent of Taiwan supporters in his White House bid, local U.S. election specialists said yesterday, amid media reports that the senator from Arizona has al
Who cares what Obama wears, seriously??
A recent photograph of Barack Obama dressed in traditional African dress, while on a visit to Kenya in 2006, has added fuel to the fire in the rivalry against both democratic candidates. The picture, submitted to the Drudge Report website, shows Obama garbed in a white turban and white traditional African robe.
Aggressive Clinton Ruthlessly Plans End Game
Advisers to Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton today began plotting a ground game, advertising budgets and a confidence-brimming outreach strategy in hopes of both scoring a big victory in April’s Pennsylvania primary and accumulating enough superdelegates over time to even the nomination fight against Senator Barack Obama.
I don't understand why Obama doesn't tie Economy with War
Looking back in 2003, futures markets, which take into account increases in demand, increases in supply—they knew that China was going to have increased demand, but they thought there would be increases in supply from the Middle East—they thought the price would remain at $25 for the next ten years or more. What changed that equation was War!
Rolling Stone Endorses Obama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rolling Stone is backing Democratic Sen. Barack Obama for president, the first time the music magazine has endorsed a contender for the White House during the primary.
Key States of Texas, Ohio Hold US Presidential Primaries
Clinton lags behind Obama, with 11 straight losses in primaries and caucuses.
Arab-American concentration camps
Barack Obama's campaign rhetoric took a bizarre turn the other night in Texas on one of his commericials, when he said, "If there is an Arab-American family being rounded up without benefit of an attorney, it threatens my civil liberties," he said. "It is that fundamental belief, I am my brother's keeper, I am my sister's keeper, ...."
Regarldess of MSM and MSA - Ron Paul is still right.
Regardless of what the Main Stream media or Main Stream America thinks, the policies and ideals of Ron Paul and the revolution are right, and I explain my thoughts from how the party has changed from the days of Teddy Roosevelt to how I think we can re-educate America and get them off the sound-byte culture. Door to Door Education. Ron Paul 2008!
Clinton Revs the Money Machine
The senator's campaign is counting on good results in Ohio and Texas to reinvigorate donations. She'll need it for the road ahead
Obama not happy about being treated like a politician
Barack Obama speaks beautifully, is charming and is new to the tough game of politics. All three have earned him a leave pass from US journalists. Now that he has the Democratic nomination within grasp, he is being subjected to tough questions. And he hasn't coped well at all.
Obama and Clinton ready for long battle
Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton on Wednesday faced a long fight for the Democratic U.S. presidential nomination, with Obama promising to get tougher on his rival and Clinton hinting the two could team up in November against Republican John McCain.
Rush Limbaugh apologizes to Obama
On Rush Limbaugh's show yesterday, the talk-show host started laughing when a caller compared Barack Obama to "Curious George," only to apologize right after the break. Limbaugh said that he had never heard of the cartoon monkey before.
MSNBC's Chris Mathews pwns Chainman of Clinton Campaign
Chris Mathews on Hardball pwned the Chainman of the Clinton Campaign while he tried to defend how the nominee should be chosen. If the tables were turned, I doubt he would be thinking this way.
Who Will and Who Should Win the Democratic Nomination?
Getting worn down by the Democratic nomination process? I sure as hell am. I think it should be over. This post says quite well who should win it and why. The author recognizes both candidates as well qualified and potentially great presidents, but only one of them can really beat McCain and at the same time pull in a new generation of voters.
If Hillary's a feminist, count me out.
Thoughtful piece by Beth Broderick about the motives and tactics of HRC versus our eventual nominee Barack Obama.
Hollywood Star Jack Nicholson Backs Clinton
Democrat Hillary Clinton's campaign has received support from Hollywood titan Jack Nicholson. Nicholson has endorsed a video compilation of some of his famous film roles in support of Democrat Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton. The video endorsement, popularly dubbed Jack and Hill, has garnered over 1.2 million hits since being posted on YouTube last
Obama thinks he "won Michigan"
The problem is, he didn't. David Gregory of Today didn't call him out on it either.
CA's PM's chief of staff was NAFTA leak
Ian Brodie initially told the press that "someone from (Hillary) Clinton’s campaign is telling the embassy to take (NAFTA) with a grain of salt ... That someone called us and told us not to worry.” Yet it was falsely attributed to the Obama campaign, most egregiously by the Clinton camp.
Canadian PM orders probe into memo leak on Obama's NAFTA pos
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Wednesday he has ordered a probe into the leaking of a government memo outlining U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's position on NAFTA.
The Obama Plan: Health Care (Part 1)
A great summary of the criticism of Barack Obama's health care plan.
John McCain secures Republican Nomination
Senator John McCain has successfully won the Republican Party’s nomination for the Party’s national convention in September for the upcoming presidential election. He clinched the nomination with projected wins in Ohio, Vermont, Rhode Island, and Texas increasing the gap between his closest rival.
Confirmed: Obama Has 50 Superdelegates Ready To Endorse
Rep. Lacy Clay (D-MO), Sen. Barack Obama's Missouri co-chairman and pledged Obama superdelegate, said Obama will gain the support of 50 undecided Democratic superdelegates later this week, according to the Columbia Missourian.Said Clay: "She (Sen. Clinton) will not make up those numbers. This race is over."
Hillary - Obama Ticket For Presidency
I am starting to hear talks of Hillary and Obama being on the same ticket for the presidency. Let us take that into consideration for a minute; which would you prefer? Obama - Hillary or Hillary - Obama?
Obama's Free Trade Fallout
"Harper Warns That Reopening Trade Negotiations Could Lead Canada To Seek A Better Deal Over Access To Canadian Oil." ("Canada's Prime Minister Warns US It Would Be Making A Mistake To Reopen NAFTA," The Associated Press, 2/28/08)
Democrats, Addicted To Change
As Obama and Clinton bounce between front runner and runner up McCain sits back and watches the fight with a smile. Should McCain be sitting pretty? The case for an Obama/Clinton ticket.
5 Reasons to be Very Afraid of John McCain
"Our little list of 5 Reasons to be Very Afraid of Mike Huckabee created quite the rift between readers who thought he was indeed frightening and others who thought he was never a viable candidate in the first place . Lest we show a preference for the other guy, here are our top 5 quite compelling reasons to be damned scared of John McCain."
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